Hey! πŸ‘‹

My name is Tijmen and I'm a Full Stack Developer and an open source lover from The Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

This is my digital garden, where I write about the things I'm working on and share what I've learned. 😊

Current project

Portfolio site
ReactTypeScriptChakra UIFramer Motion

My latest project is a portfolio website built using React, TypeScript, Chakra UI as a component library, and Framer Motion for some sleek animations on the elements. Through this project, I learned a lot about building React components and got my first introduction to Chakra UI. It is a fantastic library for quickly creating clean and professional-looking websites.

Need a website to showcase your work? Don’t hesitate to contact me via my LinkedIn profile. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find my social media links πŸ”—


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CMS - Jopa

CMS for Jopa to manage their products, orders, customers etc.

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Moddit Finance API - Moddit Digital Agency

API interface build for Moddit Internal Finance connections.

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Web application build for Moddit Intern.

Management Tool - SV de Fabriek

Web application build for SV de Fabriek.

Website - SV de Fabriek

Web application build for showing information about Skatepark de Fabriek.

API application build for retrieving data of SV de Fabriek.

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Android App - Recognize
javamavenandroid studio

Android app build for Recognize.